SAA Seeking Instructors/Developers for DEI Training Webinars

SAA Education is seeking two to four candidates to develop and present four training webinars for the DEI Next Steps grant-funded project. These webinars are intended to meet specific training needs for archives managers and ideally will be ready to launch in June 2021. We are looking for experienced candidates who can offer guidance from practice in one or more of these areas:

  • HR practices/job descriptions for attracting diverse pools of candidates
  • Mentoring and staff retention for employees from underrepresented and marginalized communities
  • How to perform a DEI Audit in LAM collections and services
  • Facilities/collections security practices that support a welcoming environment

Prospective instructors/presenters should demonstrate active involvement with and fluency in current antiracist practice along with familiarity with online presentation platforms (i.e., Zoom).  Compensation of $1,000 will be provided for each webinar produced. If the webinar is team-taught, the compensation will be split among instructors.
If you are interested in applying as an individual or a team, please submit a letter of interest and CV to SAA Director of Education Rana Salzmann at In the letter, please identify your specific qualifications as they relate to the above competencies and topics. 

Deadline to submit: February 15, 2021

1 Comment(s) to the "SAA Seeking Instructors/Developers for DEI Training Webinars"
Mitra says:
In my opinion, the

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